Monday, June 29, 2009

Sixty Years of Marriage

It was my great honor to share a very special event last Sunday... Ted and Ardis celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows. What a wonderful example of a loving, caring, and lasting relationship! I'll admit that I shed a few tears at the simple beauty of their vow renewal. Here's to many more years together for a wonderful couple.

One of the few photos from their original wedding day - 60 years ago.

Their grandson, Mike, spoke for their service and then Ted and Ardis exchanged heartfelt words of love. One of the sweetest things I've ever witnessed.

And, of course, every wedding ceremony should end with a kiss between the bride and groom.

And I love this picture. Just think of all these hands have gone through - and then they join together. Congratulations!


Adam and Erin Turner July 11, 2009 at 9:32 AM  

How awesome! Great pictures...they look so in love!

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