Saturday, August 29, 2009

Class of 2010 - Kali

Kali is a SENIOR!!
With school starting in just a few more days, we started a little bit early by taking her senior pictures today. A few fun sets in the studio...

... and then we were off to more wide-open spaces.

Kali was a great model today - very comfortable in front of the camera and with lots of good ideas on where to take pictures. Here she is swinging on a simple rope swing in the yard.

Probably one of my favorites from our photo time together... on a whim, Kali sat behind a big tree trunk and just peeked around. Lovely shaded light and a lovely model!
Thanks to Kali, her boyfriend Jake, and her Mom and Dad for taking me into the back 40 on this photo safari. I sure had fun visiting and taking pictures with you. Have an awesome senior year.


Adam and Erin Turner August 30, 2009 at 8:05 AM  

Awesome pictures Ann...and I agree, she is a beautiful model! Love the dramatic b&w and the soft effect of the last one.
- Erin

Cindy August 30, 2009 at 8:20 AM  

Ann you did an AWESOME job! The last one brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much.


kali August 30, 2009 at 9:30 AM  

They are fantastic!!I really like the last one with that big oak tree and on the swing, i like them all, but those are my fav. Thank you so much!


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