Sunday, August 16, 2009

Engagement: Amy and David

It was my pleasure to take engagement pictures for my niece, Amy, today. She's going to get married to David in July of 2010 right at her home farm. We took our time today and wandered around her parent's yard to find interesting spots and had some great success. They're so cute together!

Love this old corncrib. It's has so many interesting textures and lines.

Amy looks so incredibly happy! And why shouldn't she be? She's marrying a great guy! My favorite black-and-white from this breezy day.

There's just something special about joined hands. They signify such wonderful things - love, comfort, and support shared between two special people. And of course, a chance to show off a beautiful engagement ring!

Thanks for sharing your day, Amy and David. Good luck with your school year!


Anonymous August 16, 2009 at 8:14 PM  

Sweet Photos! Love the B&W and the old corn crib one the most. You guys look so happy....

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