Sunday, October 4, 2009

Busy Day!!

Lots of sessions to catch up with. I went to a great photographers' workshop in Chicago this last week and that put me a little behind with my blogging - so thanks to those of you who came last weekend - thanks for being patient. Also, I have included in this blog, the choices from the three sessions I had today. Whew! Happy viewing everyone!

Sam and Luke
Love these little guys - they've come to the studio several times. Luke remembered me but it took Sam a while to warm up to the strange lady that makes the flash go off! It wasn't until we got outside and he realized that he could stick his tongue out at me that the ice finally broke and we got some happy giggles - and then it was almost time to go get the "treat" and head for home. But we got a few nice pictures. My favorite, of course, is the pair of them making a face at the camera (the exact opposite of "say cheese"!)

Class of 2010: Carson
Carson has come to our home lots of times for farm-related visits so I was very pleased when he wanted to have his Senior portraits taken at the studio. What a nice guy! He brought along his FFA jacket which made my husband happy and brought along his tuba which made my musical side happy. Have fun in the rest of your Senior year, Carson, and best of luck in your future plans.

Maxx is TWO!
The day started out when a van pulled up to the studio and unloaded. Mom Jaime had a busy day ahead of her because it was Maxx's picture day AND Lydia's birthday party day - with the studio as the first stop. I'm so glad she found the time to come to the studio for pictures of two-year old Maxx, sister Lydia and her BFF Cameron. Maxx was a stylin' little model with a great smile. The best part was chasing him around the yard as he threw the baseball and laughed. There is just nothing in the world as heart-lifting as a little one's laughter. He ran so much he got all tuckered out!!! (...after a while...)

Brecken and Aidan
Yesterday was chilly and overcast but the day brightened quickly with a visit from these two handsome little boys. They came last year for their Christmas card pictures/designs and I was so happy to see them again. They're growing up! Brecken wasn't at all sure that he wanted to be there at first but was soon showing off his two-year-old side by exploring everything and moving all around...typical for that age. I tried to snap a few when he was still. Aidan at five, was a ready-willing-and able to smile and be in front of the camera. Thanks for coming. Happy holidays!! I'll post some of their card designs when I get them going. Can you believe it's getting close to the Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas slide into the end of the year?!!!

Class of 2010: Dustin
I swear - I've met some of the nicest seniors this year. Dustin was no exception. In a break from the drizzles, Dustin and his Mom Merilee and I managed to run up to the baseball field for some fun and interesting pictures there, up a tree in his front yard, and down by the river. Dustin is an all-conference pitcher for the Spring Valley Cardinals and he even pitched right at me so we could get some action shots! That was a first for me :) !! He's also a hunter so we had fun figuring out what to do with his bow, too. Back to the studio for a few indoor pictures (as the sky started to drip on us again) and that was that. Thanks for coming to Timepiece for your Senior pictures Dustin. Have fun this last year at SV. Good luck with your future schooling in Ely. Remember, I expect to see your name by some great big stuffed bear or something someday!!


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