Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wedding: Carrie and Corey

Adam and I sure had fun today - we got to go to the great wedding of Carrie and Corey. Outdoor weddings take a chance on poor weather (it was cloudy and raining until after lunch!) but if it works out right (and it did - lovely weather in time for the wedding pictures and ceremony) there's nothing like the rich and natural colors of outdoor photography.
It was tough to narrow my choices down for this wedding on the blog - but here go...
Carrie's bouquet and their rings...

The BEAUTIFUL bride...

Ah... love is in the air...

The sweet kids in the wedding party...

The ringbearer got to wear his camo hat during the service and he was fascinated by what was going on...

The last shot of the evening. The reception was in a great barn setting. The whole day was just delightful and we thank you for letting us be a part of you day, Carrie and Corey. Best wishes to you in your future!


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