Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What's new? SLIDESHOWS!!

So, what have Adam and I been up to lately? We've been learning how to handle a new program so that we can produce slideshows of our favorite photographs - and the results have been terrific. Here's a special surprise for Carrie and Corey (May 22 wedding)!! We thought they were great and wanted to make something a little extra for them. Enjoy!!

AND (oh my gosh! We've been SO busy!!) here's a slideshow for the brand new graduates of Spring Valley High School - Class of 2010. We were honored that they asked Timepiece Studio to take photos and produce a video of their graduation ceremony. Here's a still photo slideshow of our favorites from the day. CONGRATULATIONS!! What a great class and what great representatives of our little town.

By the way, PLEASE leave a comment if you visit the website. We love to hear what's going right and need to hear what's going wrong. It's easy - just click on "comment" - you can be as anonymous as you want. We just need the feedback! THANKS.


Anonymous June 9, 2010 at 6:43 AM  

Absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful video!!!!

Anonymous June 9, 2010 at 2:12 PM  

Sweet videos, good idea!

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