Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wedding: Kaci and Jerod

We were able to share in the joy of the marriage of good friends to Adam and his wife, Erin. K & J were marvelous about letting us "play". Adam and I love to experiment and see what we can come up with - love to stretch what we know and try! Thanks Kaci and Jerod. Here are a few images from your very special day...

Special rings - Jerod's ring was passed down through several generations. How special is that?

A very slow exposure and a very still bride got these fun results... something different:)

These two were so sweet together. What a pleasure to see their joy and to share their day.

The wedding site was the BEAUTIFUL Carpenter Nature Center in Hastings MN. Everywhere we turned was a lovely sight and the weather was picture-perfect.

During the exchange of rings...

Down by the river - perfect conditions for an interesting silhouette.

A great impression from Adam - look at the starburst from the setting sun! Like he always says - sun-kissed!

Thanks for letting us share your day, Kaci and Jerod. May your days always be as happy as today was.


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