Sunday, August 29, 2010

Little man Lucas

How could you not love this happy, chubby guy?! I only heard one tiny complaint out of him during the whole session - otherwise he was as sunny and cheerful as they come. I heard some baby singing while he was on the floor (trying to devour his teddy bear!), lots of baby "ba-ba's", and even got a little snuggle when I held him to say goodbye. Ahhh... what a great start to the day. Thanks for coming to the studio Sarah, Jake, and Lucas.

Big brown eyes! One of the first shots - right when he was wondering where he was and what he was supposed to be doing!

And here's to the power of cropping a photo. Which do you prefer? A horizontal shot with space to the side showing that here's a little baby ready to be on the move...?

or a square close-up version for expression - or a vertical ultra close-up for those big eyes....? SO MANY CHOICES!!!

The happy family....


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