Sunday, March 20, 2011

Erica and Reese

Little 7-month-old Erica and her older sister Reese came to the studio this morning. Very sweet little girls - it was basically Erica's photo session but we snuck in a few with Reese too. Here are a few favorites:

I played around with some filters and got this part color/part brown-tone version called "Tea Stained". I like its soft and old-fashioned look and I LOVE the little smile that Erica posed with :)

This walking stuff is hard work! Look at that little tongue sticking out - doesn't that expression make you smile?

Here's Reese - grinning like a little model... I had to laugh because right after that smile she looked at Mommy and Daddy and asked if they could go to "Old MacDonalds" now for lunch. :)


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