Sunday, September 20, 2009

HS Senior: Rebecca S.

Busy afternoon! It was my pleasure to meet Rebecca, her Mom, and her Grandma when they came to the studio today for her senior pictures. She has a great smile and an easy, natural personality that made it a pleasure to work with her. Adam was home this weekend, so he came along to share the photo shoot and it was nice to bounce ideas around to visit different places and try different things with her.

I didn't prepare a file with her pet for web viewing - but that was a new one for me - a senior sharing portrait time with a lizard! Instead, here are a few other indoor choices...

Adam and I were laughing as we selected and prepared these files. He likes his pictures pretty warm in color and I lean toward the cool. Can you tell who prepared which ones? I picked two and Adam picked two...

Adam prepared this one with one of his favorite trends - a warm, slightly faded look. This was photographed at a very pretty part of the river running through Elmwood.

And I always seem to save my favorites from the session to show at the end of my blog entries. I LOVE this one - highlighting Rebecca's beautiful eyes. Thanks for coming to the studio today. Have a great time in your senior year and good luck pursuing your future goals.


Krista September 20, 2009 at 10:13 PM  

Absolutely gorgeous.

Anonymous September 24, 2009 at 10:34 PM  

Very, very, very pretty! :) Sarah Y.

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