Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bode/ 3 years old

Bode and his family were back today! It's always so good to see them all - and fun to see how much they've grown. Here are a few pictures from today's session...

Bode with his shy little (sorta) smile:

Mom says he's a pretty "serious" little guy and you can see that in this one:

I LOVE this one! Bode and little brother Mason. Little charmers!

Nobody was quite sure what was going on when Adam asked them to lie down and hang onto hands...the result? A fun and fresh family picture.

Bode is like any little boy - give him a chance to ride in a machine (this is a skid steer) and his interest is instantly engaged - what are all those buttons and levers for??

Thanks for coming today. Enjoy the rest of your summer!


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