Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wedding: Lindsay and Nick

Adam and I met in Eau Claire yesterday to share the day with Lindsay and Nick. It was their wedding day, and when the day started out overcast, I was pretty excited that we wouldn't be shooting in the full, hot sun. Unfortunately, the closer the time came for the start of the wedding the wetter the weather got.
These two were game for anything though and while their "outdoor" plans quickly shifted to "outdoor - under the shelter" plans, they let us move them around as much as possible - dodging rain showers.
No matter what, they kept their good humor and their faith, love, and attention to each other was wonderful to be around. Thank you for letting us be a part of your wedding, Lindsay and Nick! Have fun on your honeymoon! Enjoy these few favorites that I picked out...

The beautiful bride, just a few minutes after getting all ready at the hotel.

This picture is soon after they met on their wedding day... sharing a prayer and just taking a moment to breathe together helped to calm a very nervous bride.

Beautiful flowers and rings...

A very handsome little ringbearer! With a great (but slightly toothless!) smile.

A secret kiss... so hot, they needed their initialed fans!

Lindsay and Nick got married at Phoenix Park in Eau Claire. I had never been there and was very impressed with the lovely paths, the flowerbeds, the scenery was special everywhere we went. Here, they're right near the river... and it's funny, when I worked on this picture and was zoomed way in, you can easily see the rain/mist falling. Just goes to show what good sports they were about getting some great outdoor photos.

And last, but not least, an image from their romantic first dance... complete with a friends-and-family audience and bubbles being gently blown in from the DJ area.


Lindsay and Nick July 31, 2010 at 7:42 PM  

These few pictures look absolutely amazing! I am so excited to see the rest of them!

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