Friday, October 22, 2010

Class of 2011: Destrey Z.

Destrey came to the studio today for her senior pictures and we took a LOT of pictures in a lot of different places. First we started with a "traditional" portrait. Lovely...

And it's always fun to see what things seniors bring along to show what they're interested in. Destrey brought her ukelele - she strummed a little bit and I was impressed with her self-taught skills.

Since Destrey is quite the athlete, we took some hockey and softball pics...

When we went outside, I had to laugh as we tried to find grunge and graffiti in little Spring Valley. Here's our version of an "urban" portrait... Pretty good considering the limitations of backgrounds.

We sped up and around the dam area - rocks, the lake in the background, trees - all pretty scenery - but this simple shot near the overlook is one of my favorites from this session. Pretty light during the late "magic light" time, a natural pose with a natural smile, and great weather in a beautiful outdoor spot - it doesn't get much better than that! I see a studio sample enlargement here - Destrey, I think your picture is going to be on my wall for a while to come!

Thanks for coming to the studio Destrey (Tom, and Helyn.) It was nice to meet you and share some photo time. Good luck with the rest of your school year and with all your future plans!


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