Friday, November 5, 2010

Newborn: Ezra S.

Jenny and Todd brought in their 3-week old son, Ezra, yesterday for his newborn pictures. What a little sweetheart! He was sleepy and relaxed so we were able to get lots of great pictures.
Here's the happy family...

Look at that face - baby's don't get any cuter than little Mr. Ezra!

What baby dreams are running through his mind to bring on that little smile?

Which would you prefer? The first shows the curl of his legs and the utter relaxation throughout his whole body. The middle crop focuses more closely on his face and hands. And the final is a very tight crop - love the little lips and the hands peeking out under his cheek. All the same picture - and it all depends on the crop and your personal preference. If I ever crop something and you'd like to see if can be done differently, it just takes a simple email to get results.


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